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Jennifer Lawrence sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Velvet Escape sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Emma Watson commented on an article 3rd May 2020
Scarlett Johansson posted an update 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020


Welcome. We are delighted to have you on our new type of peer to peer networking platform, designed and created for FTSE 350 board members and FTSE 100 or equivalent exco members.  

It will allow you to connect and cross-fertilise with your peers from anywhere in real time in live  audio rooms, using a new kind of audio only technology. The rooms are not recorded and so all  conversation is ephemeral. 

The Club also allows you to search, identify and message FTSE 350 colleagues by sector, diversity, expertise and skillset for the first time, as well as exchange knowledge and best practice in  dedicated virtual peer and committee groups, across both sector and geography. It allows you  to stay up to date at a glance with daily FTSE 350 appointments, board changes, financial  announcements and updates, and alerts you to vacancies. 

There are no visuals. The audio only functionality offers a magical authenticity and intimacy and  frees you from being locked to a screen. You can join the live ongoing audio rooms from  anywhere and enter or leave rooms as you wish without friction. 


We are a private club operating under Chatham House rules. The site has advertising, only allows  members to interact on it, and permits no solicitation. Security is a priority and identities are  verified before admission. We pledge never to pester you or misuse your IP.  


Members are eligible to join if they are one of the 3,389 pre-qualified members in our Directory, which lists all current FTSE 350 board members and FTSE 100 exco members. You can invite other  friends and colleagues from the Directory to join us, by clicking their name to send them an email  link.  

To foster a rich set of voices in our early community, we are also curating the inclusion of a small  group of board ready members operating at FTSE 350 level, with a focus on diversity and digital. 

Business model

The platform is free to members. We may charge headhunters to post vacancies to the community, and organisations to host events in our live audiorooms, if these are relevant.

Boardhouse Club

A sister site is planned, This will be open only to those who have operated at  the most senior levels of the government, family, private, private equity, entrepreneurial, digital  and academic space. It will offer the same functionality as the 350 Club, based on the same vision  of putting the power to connect, learn and cross-fertilise into members’ hands.  

In alpha

You have found us in our alpha phase: a 4 – 6 week testing period before we move to beta launch  in July 2021. Full release will be in September 2021, but you can take up your place now if you want to be one of the founding cohort.

We won’t publicise the site before then and it will have  significantly fewer users, but we plan for it to grow rapidly, with your help. Members can apply to join from the TAKE YOUR PLACE button on the home page. If you are not a FTSE 350 board  member or FTSE 100 or equivalent exco member, we may be able to add you to the wait list for, subject to eligibility. We expect this to be a very vibrant community. Make your request to:


Curated specifically by and for this group, events consist of Chair, CEO and headhunter  interviews, discussions on subjects such ESG, Q&As with opinion formers and subject experts (e.g. on blockchain or regulatory changes) and member-hosted events on topics of their choice.  

Additionally, live real time ongoing audio room channels are devoted to private committee  discussion, including Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Risk Committee and ESG  Committee, and peer networking, including between Chairs, CEOs, CFOs, NEDs and HRDs, so that  groups with similar roles and concerns can exchange information. 

We are strongly values led. Our wish is to transform connection and cross fertilisation in this community to create better outcomes for business and society. Please join us, and invite your  FTSE 350 friends and colleagues so that we can become as useful as possible to you all. 

Best wishes

Marianne Macdonald, the 350 Club.