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Jennifer Lawrence sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Velvet Escape sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Emma Watson commented on an article 3rd May 2020
Scarlett Johansson posted an update 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020
Bradley Cooper sent you a message 3rd May 2020

About the club

Community guidelines

The is currently in alpha stage and growing fast. If you have any feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you to provide you with a continually improving product.

These Community Guidelines are meant to help you better understand:

  • The values behind
  • The culture guiding the club and its member environment
  • The rules we expect you to abide by as a user
  • What you can do if you come across inappropriate behaviour to report it


We support the FTSE 350 board space in its desire to be inclusive and diverse. We wish to be of service and to provide a civil, stimulating and productive collaborative environment. This is a place for intellectual learning and collegial support. We ask that members are responsive, respectful and helpful to each other, and value each other’s time and goodwill. 


In order to be part of this Club, we ask that you are responsive and helpful to your peers, responding wherever possible to requests for advice or information. However, this is not a place to find jobs, other than those which are officially posted in the Vacancies section. We therefore require that there is no solicitation. This will be strongly enforced. By “solicitation” we mean that members should not contact other members requesting that they are considered for roles, unless those members have clearly indicated that this is appropriate (eg, it is part of a pre existing discussion). Members should be able to come to the site for information and connection without being pestered in any way. 


When you use, you agree to abide by the following rules at all times. You also agree not to encourage others to violate these rules. The latter is taken seriously and can also result in removal from the Club.

  • You must use a real name and identity on the service. 
  • You must be or have been a FTSE350 Board member, of FTSE 100 Exco Member, unless invited directly by the Club management as a Curated Member.
  • You may not engage in solicitation, abuse, bullying, disrespectful behaviour or harassment of any member or event host.
  • You may not discriminate against, engage in hateful conduct directed at, or threaten violence or harm against any person or groups of people.
  • You may not share, threaten to share, or incentivise the sharing of other people's private information without their explicit, written prior permission.
  • You may not engage in intentionally disruptive activity that negatively affects the experience of other users.
  • All conversations are conducted under Chatham House rules. This is a key pillar of the club and its effectiveness. You may not at any time transcribe, record, or otherwise reproduce and/or share information obtained in the Club without prior permission, even if it is a keynote speech or interview which is recorded for the subsequent use of members.
  • You may not engage in any conversations or upload any content that violates any intellectual property or other proprietary rights.
  • You may not spread false information or spam, or artificially amplify or suppress information.
  • You may not share or promote information (or synthetic or manipulated media) that is intended or likely to cause harm to any person or groups of people, or businesses.
  • You may not use the service for the purpose of conducting any unauthorised or illegal activities.

If you witness a Rules violation, please follow the instructions below to report it.

Follow these links for our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Incident Reporting

We recognise that incidents are likely to be quite rare, but when they occur we depend on the vigilance of each member and the community to report violations of Rules as we prize members’ privacy and confidentiality of discussion. If you believe a user has violated a Rule, you can report a Trust & Safety incident. Note: Inappropriate use of the incident reporting system or intentional, false reports are against our rules and are taken seriously.

To report an incident:

  • Please email and let us know who you want to report and why, providing the best contact details to get in touch with you in relation to the investigation. 

Context for reporting another user for a Rule violation:

  • If you submit a report, we will not share your identity with the person you have reported.
  • All reports that are submitted will be reviewed and investigated. The need for and type of response needed will be determined on a case by case basis.
  • We seek to be fair, consistent, and courteous in addressing all reported incidents.
  • Intentional, false reports of violations are treated as a violation of the Rules.

If another member has reported you for violating a Rule, here’s what you should know:

  • If a report has been filed against you, we may contact you through your account with information about the nature of the report. We may keep some details private in order to protect the reporting user(s). If we are unable to reach you, we may be obliged to restrict your account access temporarily until we are able to do so.
  • We will notify you of the result of the investigation and its potential impact to you.
  • If you believe a report has been wrongly filed against you or you would like to appeal a decision, please contact us, including as much context as possible.

In the unlikely event that your membership has been suspended, please follow this process for inquiry or appeal:

  • If your membership is flagged for a potential violation of our Rules, you may be temporarily or permanently restricted or removed from the club.
  • If you believe your account did not violate our Rules, contact us at Please include your verified email address, and reference to the original notification you received.
  • Once you submit the appeal, the leadership will decide whether or not to review it based on the Rule violation in question. Please note that not all Trust & Safety enforcement decisions are eligible for an appeal.

Legal note

Finally, please keep in mind this quick legal note on our Community Guidelines, violations, and how we may enforce them:

  • You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members and you agree that we will have no liability or responsibility with respect to those interactions.
  • We understand that not all members will share our views as to what constitutes a violation of these Community Guidelines. However, to operate a functional platform, we must reserve the right to determine in our sole discretion what constitutes a violation.
  • Our failure to enforce these Community Guidelines in each and every instance in which it might have application does not amount to a waiver of our rights under our Terms of Service or these Community Guidelines.
  • We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change portions of these Community Guidelines at any time. If we do this, we will post the changes on this page and will indicate at the top of this page the date the terms were last updated.

Thank you for reading, and for helping us build an extraordinarily useful community.

Marianne Macdonald